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Re: snow in seattle
>> I got up this morning, cold (26deg F), 3+ inches of snow down.
> HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Please stop , my sides are hurting....
> Sorry guys ,it is hard to relate sitting here at -35C tonight and
> 2+ million Canadians without power for a week ...
> Gosh I'm starting to sound like STEADI RIC . I will shut up now.
> (I hope ERIC will do the same.....)
>- --
> Patrick James
> jamesp@sk.sympatico.ca
hmmm.. guess I probably shouldn't complain about the cold, and actually thinking about making a fire in the woodstove. Heck, why not come on over, its warm here compared to your area.... well, _you_ can come over, not all 2+millions:)