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Re: Volumes and Compression Ratios: Numbers needed...

> In message <00BF1F2FEDFED011A27D00805F91E3C28C94@ABK-NT01> "Hare,Stott (X)" writes:

> > oh yeah, apologies if this comes with MIME... damn Microsoft...
> > damn company policies...

> It did - some _13K_ _OF_ _IT_.  Your untrimmed repost didn't help, either.

> I might comment that Microsoft's idea of HTML is ludicrous -

> > <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Thanks all!</FONT>
> > <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">-Stott</FONT>

> 120 bytes of garbage wrapped around 17 bytes of email - all of ot to needlessly 
> duplicate what was in the initial ASCII section.  If your company regularly 
> sends this sort of stuff out, I would suggest that your corporate IT people 
> need to get a grip.

Perhaps a note to Stott's postmaster would be in order.  At work, we
are using Microsoft Outlook.  I did a test message to my external
account and it came out in plain ascii, no mime.

Now, we mustn't all bounce Stott's posts to his postmaster.  That wouldn't
be nice.
