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Re: Yo, Thomas, about those Colorado drivers.

In a message dated 98-01-13 00:46:25 EST, you write:

<< Don't  you think eradic driving happens in every state? I'll spare everyone
the details  of some of the worst driving I've seen from other drivers in
random states. Just wanted to gripe my $.02 worth. See ya,
 Chad Clark '87 5k Tq
 Colorado Springs, CO >>

     I drove in your part of CO as well as Denver, plus all the way up to
Breckenridge and back.  The core Denver area seemed to have a larger core of
rude, stupid, and/or discourteous drivers.  I was actually quite surprised at
the high volume of people who needed "sensitivity" training, especially after
having driven in and around Nashville for several years.
     Don't recall seeing any quats misbehaving, though.

Still Confused in Bucksnort.