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Re: Yo, Thomas, about those Colorado drivers.

On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Huw Powell wrote:

> > >>  Always signal!
> > >>
> > >> Why?  There's no one around to see your signal.
> > >
> > >You're never *certain* of that.
> > 
> > I live so far out in the boondocks that people who live in the boondocks
> > think *I* live out in the boondocks.  When you drive out in the boonies
> > like I do almost all the time you *can* be certain whether another car
> > within seeing distance.
> My point is still valid.  At any time, any place, another vehicle could
> pop up from nowhere.  Sure, I spend a lot of time on empty roads at
> night, too, my only justifaction for speed testing my favorite chicane
> at night is "I can tell if someone else is coming" by their headlights,
> but I'm still tempting fate.

Not to start a flame war, but does your on-coming [insert large mammal
here] have headlights? ;-)  

I hit a deer 2 months ago on a dark stretch coming off the highway.  It
was no fun.  For those of you speeding at night in unlit, wooded rural
areas, be very, very carefull.  You do not want this happening to your

'90 CQ (looking for a dark '91 CQ w/low miles)
'87 RX7 Tii (for sale soon)