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Re: Transmission reliability?
Graydon said:
>On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Phil Rose wrote:
>> >Registry website). That they are not the same might be supported by the
>> >difference in relative reliability between the 200q and the '92-'93 S4
>I didn't think that any Audi except the autobox cars had any reliability
>problems with the trannys.
>I don't recall anyone here ever needing to repair one or replace one,
>even with the high hp cars running around. My 5KCSTQ has almost 200,000
>miles, and still shifts slicker than a greased pig at slaughter time
>Graydon D. Stuckey
Audi appears to have stumbled when the tranny for '92 and '93 S4 was
introduced. An extaordinary high percentage (on the order of 30% I believe,
based on a survey of Registry members) of tranny problems (replacements)
are reported for those models.
As for the 200q, it also has the Audi reputation for "bulletproof"
transmission. However my dear ol' '91 200q was recently an organ donor
(tranny) for Rob Winchell's '91 200q. But that seems to be a pretty
isolated occurance.
Phil Rose Rochester, NY
'89 100 pjrose@servtech.com