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Wish I had known that!
Acetylene and O2. Together they make a great team when lit...in the
proper order.
I remember......oh yes, as I was saying....I remember as a young lad
trying this combination without the help of a 'master'. Let's
see....turn on this valve thingy here....ssssSSSS....okay...turn on this
other thingy here....ssssSSSS....okay......take this sparker thingy
Yes, and what is your point?
Exactly! Ahh....Oh, now I remember. I learned this trick the hard way
but I just found out from the first born that there is a 'rule of
And what is that?
'A' before 'O' or away you go!
(I just couldn't resist it but help is on the way....... someone is
coming to pick me up in a Ms.'Q'?....no, no I may be wrong...anyway, the
first born will back me up on this...an' he's a big lad!)