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ur-q WX Valve Guides

In message <9800168849.AA884989532@genchip.uunet.ca> "Mike Hopton" writes:

>      Thanks very much, I found them on the fiche, exploded view of the cam
>      cover as Phil pointed out. For the WX the part number is indeed 049
>      103 419.

The repair fiche says that old (original) guide are pressed out from
the camshaft side.  New ones are also pressed in from this side, but
the force must not exceed one tonne once the 'Bund' is lying on the
block.  I assume the 'Bund' is the ring formed on the new guide.

The critical measurement of guide wear is made from the block side
with a new valve inserted into the guide up to the point at which
the top of the valve stem reaches the end of the valve guide.  A
dial gauge is used to measure movement of the business (hot) end
of the valve - 1.0mm for an inlet valve, 1.3mm for an exhaust

Remember to measure inlet with inlet and exhaust with exhaust - the
stems are different diameters.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021