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Fwd: Diagnosis of Strange Ur-Q Noise

> From: "John C." 
> To: "Quattro List" 
> Subject: Diagnosis of Strange Ur-Q Noise 
> Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:45:36 -0500 
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.71.1712.3 
> Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net 
> Audi Brains Trust: 
> It now seems clear to me that it is doing this in the 50 to 60 mph range,
> that these are the gears that I am usually in at these speeds (duh).
> It really sound like a bearing, not quite a whine, not quite a groan.  The
> interesting thing is that it goes away again over 60 mph.
> John: The first place I'd look would be the wheel bearings. Does the noise
> change at  all when cornering?  If so, most likely wheel bearing is at
> fault.  Happened to my 84 5000.