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Re: Whoa!

At 9:12 PM -0500 on 1/18/98, rlpplsky wrote:

> Right Brett:  The XL packaging claims that they are legal for use with low
> beams.  Mine are aimed like yours and I played with the elevation until I am
> just below the threshold of getting flashed by other drivers.  Anyway, there
Hmm.  Unfortunately, thanks to that plow, one of my hellas is now aimed at
the bottom of a trash can :(

> are tons of beaters and jacked up pickups and sport utes on the road out
> here with lights that blind from the front or rear, so please don't ask me
no kidding...<grrrrr>

> to turn off the XLs.  Regarding the use with high beams, I do it.  I cannot
I don't.  I use 'em :)  Same on the highbeams.  I could care less(and no
one else could either.)

> think of any reason why it would be illegal to run the XLs with the highs,
> although the instructions say not to do it.  Anybody have an idea??  I
The instructions say that they are not DOT-approved(ie, legal) to use with
> figure the warning is there for cars that don't have design margin for an
> additional 10 amps over the high beams (some cars do run highs and lows
> together -- my wife's Volvo 850 for example).
Yep...our Volvo 960 does the same...it's got an even better setup than the
850(clear front lens system, and equal high/low areas)...you hit the highs
and you can see _everything_
8o <-smiley caught in highbeams


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.