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Re: Tire/wheel sizes

RELAYER wrote:
> Glenn, I am about to put some 16" rims on my A4 with a set of 225/50...
> ...Do you think 225/50 is too wide a tire for a 16X7 wheel?

I was at NTB yesterday, and perusing through the Tire and Wheel
guide that lists fitments by car type, there is an (incomplete)
tire size by wheel width chart. 

The chart lists Recommended and Allowable, here is a few
snippets from the Recommended part of the chart:

	  60	      55	  50	      45
	-------	    -------	-------	    -------				
15x6.0	185-225	    195-205	195-205	
15x6.5	195-235	    195-225	195-225	
15x7.0	205-255	    195-225	195-245	
15x7.5	225-275	    205-255	205-245	
15x8.0	235-295	    225-255	225-275	

16x6.0	205-225	    205-205	195-205	
16x6.5	205-235	    205-225	195-225	
16x7.0	205-235	    205-235	195-245	
16x7.5	225-235	    205-235	205-255	    245-245
16x8.0	235-235	    225-235	225-275	    245-245

THEREFORE, according to the chart, 225/50 on 16x7 is Recommended!
