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Re:Re:List Members in EC...

Oh, just to clarify, I _don't_ count magazines like "Low Rider" and "Chevy
High-Performance" in the same category with EC as "magazines for
enthusiasts who like to work on their cars".  When was the last time you
heard of a chopped S-10 pickup with hydraulic suspension, tilting/twirling
bed, corpuscle-red velvet interior, and an airbrushed half-naked Amazon
on the tailgate (beautiful and labor-intensive as all that may be)  on the
autobahn? ;-).

[...Then again, some could say, when was the last time you saw an '86
Audi 5000 Turbo Quattro driving through a cornfield in the middle of
winter?...Guilty As Charged, 'Yeronner...]

Best Wishes,