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I know that there has been some discussion on better waxes, blah,
blah...so I'll narrow the topic just a tad.
(1) Purchased CQ with some small dents and scratches, but really
good looking paint.
(2) Decided to give it a good long wash and wax to make it look even
(3) Purchased Zymol liquid at local parts place (Yeah...I know there
are some qualms about this...i.e. that stuff is weak, buy the _real_
Zymol from ? BUT, it's still the first time a paid over $15 for a
bottle of wax, it should be better than most)
(4) Rubbed wax on with the supplied spongie applicator and was
extremely pleased with the shiny smooth appearance.
-Turn for the worse-
(5) Car driven through copious rain squalls, water beads well, still
(6) Next day inspection reveals numerous _sand_ type chips in the
hood (bonnet). White pits that do not fleck off and drastically
change the appearance of the car.
(I repeated steps 4-6 the follwing days. Same results after rain)
Can this wax be simply coming off after rain?
OR does this wax residue fill in pits and absorb moisture after rain?
OR should I _seal_ the wax after polishing (never heard of this one).
I really don't mind the specks as long as I can get them to
disappear, so painting is really not in the cards for the next few
years anyway...
Thanks for your ideas,
Derek Daily
90 CQ with specks...