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Re: Turkey sound and fuel injector QUESTION (old post)

At 01:56 PM 1/22/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Where can I get the puller tool?  Zelenda?  Anywhere closer (to the 
>Pacific Ocean)?  How much is cheap?

I recently found a tool that is generally available that works very well
for removing injectors.  It is the size of a medium/large screwdriver, with
a forked tip.  It is meant to slip under door panel trim and pop out the
little plastic clips; it does the same for injectors.  You can find one at
almost any auto parts store.........SLM

Steve Manning:  stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
.....Virtual home:  http://www.stationwagon.com