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RE: Ct mechanic

Date: 23 Jan 98 15:24:54 -0700
From: Kerry Griffith <kgriffit@parkcity.k12.ut.us>
Subject: Ct Mechanic?

Any Connecticut listers able to recommend a mechanic/dealer for my mom in
the Danbury area? TIA

91 200q

I'm new to the CT area so I'm not sure how close this is but in North Stonington you'll find Mike Haines who has been working on Audi's and VW's for some thirty years.  He's fair and no nonsense.  I've used him for a few repairs on my 87 CGT and was very pleased.  His number is 860.599.3344.  

No I'm not related but I have used him and was happy with the price and service I received.

