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RE: interference fit
Sorry, some small error occured in the previous post.
Some formulas to calculate piston acceleration, speed and distance.
Metric system.
c = Piston speed ..................................... m/s
R = Crankshaft radius ................................ m
w = Crankshaft angular velocity ...................... rad/s
a = Piston acceleration .............................. m/s^2
s = Distance the piston has moved from TDC ........... m
A = Crankshaft angle relative to crankshaft at TDC ... Degree
L = Piston rod lenght ................................ m
n = Revolutions pr. second ........................... s^-1
S = Piston stroke .................................... m
y = Crankshaft/pistonrod relation .................... 1
n = RPM/60
w = 2*PI*n
S = 2*R
y = R/L
c = R*w*(sin(A)+y/2*sin(2*A))
a = R*w^2*(cos(A)+y*cos(2*A))
s = R*(1-cos(A)+y/2*sin(A)^2)
aTDC = R*w^2(1+y)
aBDC = -R*w^2(1-y)
As an example, if you set R=0.1_m, L=0.2_m and w=1_rad/s.
The piston acceleration will be ZERO at approx. A=68,5 Degrees, and
piston speed will be maximum. Distance the piston has moved from
TDC => s=0.042_m
The piston acceleration will be maximum at TDC, and piston
speed will be ZERO.
John Torset
Amiga 4000
John Torset
Amiga 4000