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Re: fuel distributor noise(buzzing)

... don't go out and buy a new one just yet!  The valve on my '83 urq 
is quite noisy as well, but it works just fine (Hmmm, I've also been 
told that the fuel pump on my '88 5kCSQW is the loudest they've heard ... 
I wonder if there's a common thread here :).  My recommendation to you 
is that you check your duty cycle readings first ... chances are that 
you'll see that the F/TCU is actually forcing the duty cycle to be very 
rich and causing the running problems you're seeing.  It may actually 
be the true that your problem is due to a faulty sensor to the F/TCU 
(have you changed your OXS lately?) and that is actually the source of 
your problem.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
 # At 1:22 PM -0500 on 1/28/98, harrison wrote:
 # Ut oh.
 # I guess this also explains why twice within a week the car almost died(RPM
 # started to drop, then it dropped even further, fighting to stay
 # going...only by jumping into the car and flooring it did I keep it from
 # stalling.)
 # Then again, in both cases the car was inside a warm(50 deg or so) garage
 # and then immediately put outside into 20 deg. cold and left idling;  would
 # this cause the car to falter, or should I really look into the distributor
 # noise?
 # > It's going bad.
 # >
 # > Brett Dikeman wrote:
 # >
 # > > Is it normal for the fuel distributor to buzz loudly?  I had the hood open,
 # > > and was listening to the engine for anything odd, and I noticed the buzz
 # > > from the distributor.
 # ------
 # Brett Dikeman
 # brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net
 # ~)-|
 # Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
 # Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
 # Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.
 # ------