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Re: climate control, once again

   the error code that you found on channel 1 (the general malfunction
channel as it were), 15 points to some sort of electrical problem with the
Air Flow Flap potentiometer. Was there a "tenth" value in addition to the
15 error code? See the chart below:

Code (Sensor)    Description
15.1 (G113)     Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static open, *15.1 (see
15.2            Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, static short, see 15.1
15.3            Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic open
15.4            Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, sporadic short
15.5            Air Flow Flap, static block, see *15.5 (see below)
15.6            Air Flow Flap Motor Potentiometer, malfunction
15.7            Air Flow Flap, sporadic block

*15.1           Digital value is internally programmed for limp-home mode
*15.5           Motor is cycled; software attempts to eliminate block

Now here's the disclaimer: the information above was garnered from a source
 that is directly related to my model Audi for my model year (though I
suspect that there
are few changes in the CC OBD between models and years). For all of the
info, you can check http://quattro.malebolge.com/cgi-bin/fom?file=46 , this
 is Brett
Dikeman's Quattro Faq-o-matic, btw.

Good luck, Dan

Sean Ford
Sean_Ford@idx.com    '92 Audi 100CS 5-spd 33k mi
IDX, Boston, MA               http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528