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Re: Recent motor melt down

Phil Payne decided to speak these words:

>I'm frankly surprised at a V8 belt going bang at 57k.  I wonder if the 
>change was ever done.  Does anyone know if the original factory-fitted 
>belt has 
>any special marks?

Speaking of timing belts.  My friend is insisting to me that all 
manufacturers, namely benz and porsche recommend that you replace the 
timing belts every 30k miles..I insist that i know that the recommended 
change interval is 60k...who is right? i think i amsince everything on 
this list has always been 60k and in every ad and book that i have read 
it is the same....

what do you think


Michael Sheridan Williams

My new one: 1985 4000 S Quattro
175,000+ miles, and going like a new car
