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RE: Subject: A4 2.8 buying advice, Massachusetts
Word of advice: avoid the Burlington Audi/Porsche dealer like _THE_ _PLAUGE_.
Honestly, our family has bought 3 cars from them(2 audis, 1 porsche) and
with all 3 there was always something amiss about the deal. Not to mention
that we bought parts there(namely _Audi_ OEM shocks) and the guy changed
his mind about his warantee policy, which he seems to keep in his head and
changes whenever is serves him to. Oh, and remember the fiasco with the
UrQ that wouldn't/couldn't go above some RPM(was it 2500?), and the car sat
for at least a month without anyone looking at it, they claimed they lost
parts in shipment, etc?)
Pass+Weitz I think, is the name. Horrible place. Stay away.
My economics teacher said he has bought 5 VW's from a place in cambridge
that does Audi/VW sales...can't remember the name. He's friends with the
manager he's been such a long time customer. Says that even if he's
looking to get a VW, he goes to the Audi sales people, because they were
the best salesmen in the place, and hence were "moved over" when the
dealership starting doing Audi buisness.
At 9:34 PM -0500 on 1/31/98, Timothy Penasack wrote:
> and Bryne's does not have a large %/MSRP (for example they are selling
>the Boxster at MSRP!)
MSRP is way above the actual price you can get for the car. Waaay above.
Maybe on the Boxster, since it was in high demand, this doesn't apply...but
I was under the impression that you had to be on a list to get a Boxster up
until a few months ago.
Brett Dikeman
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