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CQ Plug wires

<Eric Renneisen> said,
<<I spent part of my Saturday installing new Magnecor plug wires. 
...The thing that bugs me is the resistances of the wires. The 
original wires I took out were all within spec (4800 - 7200 ohms, 
I think),... Most of the new wires were below spec. The 
coil wire was fine, but the shorter wires had low resistances. The 
resistance of each wire was predictably higher than the previous 
(shorter) one, until I got to the last two, which were both just 
above 4800. The car runs fine with them, but I wonder if the 
discrepancies between cylinders will cause problems. Also, what 
problems would a low resistance wire cause?>>

I may be offbase, but I thought the sole reason for buying the bigger 
8.5mm/performance wire was to lower the resistance for the electrical 
current!?  No sense in boosting coil output and the like if the wires 
resistance is hampering the effort.  I think I'd be bent if I found that 
my new Hi Perf wires had the same or higher resistance!

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