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RE: Turning UFO's

The problem is you stopped right after doing it.  You need to let them cool 
down turning or they will warp even more.  If the pad is stopped on the rotor 
and not turning it will cool unevenly.  I think you might want to try again 
and this time drive without touching your brakes.

PS At any track day they tell you not to use your e-brake for precisely this 

From:  owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Mike
Sent:  Monday, February 02, 1998 11:54 AM
To:  Paul C. Waterloo; INTERNET:quattro@coimbra
Subject:  Re: Turning UFO's

Paul said his UFOs have 131k....

Mine are original at about 100k. Pads have 60k on them. Were warped pretty
good. But the pulsation is interrmittent which I find strange. Seems to me
if they are warped, they should pulsate all the time.
So Saturday, I held the brakes on for about a mile on the freeway in 4th
gear at 1.4 boost, accelerated to 80, took an offramp and came to a rapid
full stop. Pulled around the corner, stopped and checked the brakes - they
were smoking - guess that was hot enuf. Now, now more pulsing..
I am looking for a source in Seattle to turn UFOs, but have not serioulsy
started looking yet.
