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FW: Engine oil temp - 87 4kq

Hello, this is the first time I am sending a message.  This is a great
source for Audi info.  It's like Car Talk on email...  Hope I didn't
offend anyone!

I have a 87 4000S and the oil temp also stays low around 60.  I read the
Bentley and to check the sender, I need to use a VW tester part number
3301... I believe.  Is there another way we can check if the sender is

87 4000S 145K
> ----------
> From: 	Mark L. Chang[SMTP:mchang@ece.nwu.edu]
> Sent: 	Thursday, February 05, 1998 7:47 AM
> To: 	Quattro List
> Subject: 	Engine oil temp - 87 4kq
> With this talk of Mobil oil and oil temps, I'd like to pose a
> question:
> In my 87 4kcsq, the oil temp guage, the "digital" one down by the diff
> locks, never gets above one or two notches from the bottom, where it
> reads
> 60.  It's been this way since I purchased the car in November, and
> since
> it is *not* believable, I have ignored it.
> My car has said Mobil 1 10w30 (?) synthetic in it, FYI.
> Does it seem like the sending unit for the oil temp guage is shot?
> Don't
> get me wrong, it eventually moves up the scale *one notch*, which
> worries
> me, since _something_ is going on there.
> Anyways, wondering if there were any BTDT's for this type of problem.
> FWIW, the car runs *great*.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> 87 4kcsq _needing new wheels come spring..._
>                     [PGP] finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu