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Re: normal oil temps

avi sez:
>No way Bud........WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too cold, your coolant even runs
>higher................How is it possible to run coolant temp. at 230F+ and
>oil temp. (in the same engine, that is...) at 180F????????????????
>220F for oil is cold..........

i disagree.
my vw 8 valve oil temp sometimes gets up to 230-235F.
vw's tend to run relatively hot oil temps.
typical is closer to 210-220F.
i'm sure oil entering the I5 turbo oil cooler can get hotter, which is why
i use mobil1.
coolant temps on my audi rarely exceed 100C except in stop and go
traffic combined with the use of turbo boost.  much more than that and
it's hurricane time.
i highly doubt an old plastic audi radiator would last long at 230F, nor
would the coolant reservoir.


to: IN:avi@cosmoslink.net
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net