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Absolutely zero Audi content
Hi Y'all,
The time has finally arrived for me to purchase a real FAX machine. This
FAX modem stuff is a PITA. I want a plain paper fax. Do you have a
recommendation of one, preferably relatively inexpensive, you like
especially well (or dislike especially strongly)?
Please reply directly so the list isn't burdened with more wasted band width.
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@inetone.net Home 304-574-2372 *
* Rt. 1, Box 57 FAX/Modem 304-574-1166 *
* Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP 2.2+ bar *
* Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references: *
* My 3 Siberian Huskies enjoy riding in my '89 200TQ *