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Re: AC question for you...
At 10:49 PM 2/9/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Dave, I have an AC/climate control question for you. My '87 5kCSq is
>giving me some odd signs lately. First I noticed the defrost setting
>wouldn't activate until the car has been running for 3-5 min, whether the
>car is hot or cold. Now the blower slowly spools down every time I turn to
>the left. I can't tell if it is reverting to the low setting or whether it
>is going off. It's not a clean cut like the power has been interrupted,
>but more like the low speed switch has been pushed. Any ideas?
I would get it up on jackstands and try to duplicate it. Defrost setting is
controlled by the programmer, which is controlled by the head unit. Blower
speed is controlled via a complicated system of temp sensors reporting to
the head unit, which sends a signal to the blower control unit (under hood
atop the system).
>Even when it is running correctly I'm really not happy with this
>'automatic' system. I don't care for the lack of control and only two fan
>speeds. Is there a way to let the vents shift position without having the
>compressor turn on, maybe use a switch to interrupt the AC clutch signal?
>Anyone attempted a conversion to a replace the automatic system with
>something more flexible?
You could interrupt the AC signal with a switch for more flexibility.
Converting to a manual system would be a nightmare... There's nothing to
drop in... That gets me thinking though...
>Congrats on the new house. We use to live in Daytona... still miss it.
>This mean you're looking to retire?
Just a real job... I submitted my request for transfer to fleet reserve on
Friday. My last 'Naval' day will be 990430...
********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
EMCM(SW) Dave Head
87 5KCStq 218K miles 1.85 or so... bar
qcusa #3442 Oviedo, Florida plate: STLTHTQ