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NEQ Winter School

You outa do it,

I did.  It was great fun and I learned some things about my 5ktq I haven't
been able to even try here on the coast of Ct whrere I live.  We've had no
snow to speak of.  While others get pounded with the white stuff we've had
rain, maybe slush.  My poor Hakkas are dying here!

The two skid pads are real slick.  And they were different each day.  One
was faster than the other but still I never left 1st gear.  You may see
15mph tops before you are busy correcting a push or a tail out condition.
And just when you think your hot s&*t the car will grab a rut and your off
on a another correcting adventure. And the great thing is all this happens
sooooo slowly you can just let it go.  How far can it go before you are
unable to get it back in line?  You'll find out.  

My car is not Torsen, an 88 5ktq.  It appeared as if the Torsen cars
understeered less than my car.  Locked center diff? More understeer.  Lock
the rear too?  I couldn't turn the car at all on the pad. Andrew Moffets S4
looked very much like the tail was the first thing to go.  I drove Paul
Royals 20V 90 and it too felt alot less "pushy" than my 5k.  Interesting to
try both out. 

Remember the Torsen vs non-Torsen thread?   Here you can drive your Torsen
car, or not Torsen  at 11/10s and never exceed 15mph.  So you can see what
gets "ugly" at low speeds.  Does Torsen become unpredictable at 11/10s? 
You'll find out.   My non Torsen car pushs at 11/10s.  Mostly pilot error I
think.  Too fast for conditions.
 But remember this is so icy that while you may be frustrated at your cars
behavior, or your own,  when you get out of the car and try to walk on the
pad you will be amazed at you drove on it at all.  Walking isn't easy

The brake test and the cone dodging was pretty cool.  We learned that the
brake technique, how many pumps or how any times you could get the wheels
to lock was dependent on the surface. And how much you release the brake
pedal.   Learning to read the road conditions helped here.

The time trial is safe fun where you get to try it all out at whatever
speed you want.  The worst that can happen on any of these tests is you
slide off the course into the snow.  Maybe we extract a cone from under
your car.  There is only one car on the course at a time just like an

So consider the course all the things most driving events put you through
on the 1st day.  Like a one day Skip Barber school.  Only there is no grip
what so ever.  Speeds are down, you don't need to worry about whether
you've changed you gear oil or that your carbon brake pads aren't in yet. 
And turbo cars do not rule the road here.

Just bring warm cloths and snacks for Tim O'Neil.

So I reccomend it to all.   The place I stayed at was only $33 a night.  
And they have teddy bears on the pillows each night too!
