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Re: Rear muffler for 82-82 qtc

On Tue, 10 Feb 1998 CLeiter@aol.com wrote:

> Help,
> I need a new rear muffler and my mechanic says that they are $700.00 from a
> dealer. Does anybody know of any after market mufflers that will fit? 
> TIA,
> CHuck

  Seems you guys stateside get ripped off on some parts but not on others
  a rear muffler for my 1983 coupe costs me around 70 pounds sterling fitted.

  Perhaps you should all save up your fixes and ship your cars across to
 British mechanics for cheap quality work.

  As to this mustang thing why are you rising to his bait this is an Audi
 list other vehicles should not be open to discussion even for comparative


    Arthur G. R. Sutherland	      |
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