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And the mustang wins!

In message <199802111611.LAA15944@dit2.state.va.us> Josh Pinkert writes:

> >Porsche can't afford _not_ to innovate, and because their whole operation is 
> >smaller (and, dare I say it - smarter) they can do it.  Audi's whole
> approach 
> >is based on "Vorsprung durch Technik".
> > 
> >Motor racing is more and more a field in which I don't expect to see 
> >innovation.  I expect 'ra ra', sponsorship, driver competition, etc.
> Porsche's innovations come FROM their racing programs.  That's their R&D.  

I don't disagree - but one of the points made further back down the thread was 
that Porsche are increasingly being excluded from formulae.  As it now is, we 
will see no Audi factory cars in motor racing for some time.

(BTW - we had one of the IMSA 90s at Castle Donington for the end of the 
 season.  Otherwise, I don't think we ever saw them over here.)

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club