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RE: Retrofitting an intercooler into an UrQ

Martin said,
<If that location is so good why didn't the rally team use it?>

I wonder if it has anything to do with a 2500lb rally car coming off a 3 
ft drop at 60mph onto its front axles or underbelly, not to mention 
taking out a local chicken or 2 at 100!?

<The rally cars had a hudge IC right in the grill.>

Would that be hudge as in fudge:^), yes they did but they didn't have to 
worry about DOT lighting or consumer aesthetics either!

<If it's good enough of a spot for the rally teams than it's good 
enough for me.>

Ah so true grasshopper, for me too,  The real question; if it's good 
enough for the rally teams, can you and I afford it?

<Just think about it.>

I did
my .02

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