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Re: Owdies in Movies(Caddyshack)

>...there's a BROWN Audi in my parking space...
Brown, Maroon, SFD(Same Freakin' Difference) :)
I had an argument over "Metallic Taupe" and "Champaign"<sp?> with a friend
once :)
I said they were basically the same and he made a big fuss about it...

>Rob Winchell
>91 200Q
>Caddyshack 200+ times and counting
Sounds like my friends and I with Blues Brothers and Monty Python's Quest
for the Holy Grrrrrrrrail!

I watched Blues Brothers 2k with a friend...we both knew the original
really well, so we got everything..including the "saaay...don't I know you
guys from somewhere?" line :)  We were laughing our heads off and everyone
was staring at us with expressions that showed they _completely_ missed the
<sigh>...so much of that movie is just completely lost unless you saw the


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' veterem fieri.