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Re: HELP: Brake bleed 4kqt

At 06:30 PM 2/18/98 EST, you wrote:
>Guys- How in the world did you get your significant other into the garage?? I
>could not, so my approach was to set my air compressor regulator at 6psi and
>coneect it through my air chuck to the reservoir cap schrader. My air
chuck is
>the kind with a build in gauge, trigger and valve latch. I used a rubber band
>to hold the trigger squeezed.  Of course you have to maintain fluid level.
>it becomes a one man operation. I have been doing this for years. I got the
>idea from the windshield washer on my 1965 VW bug. the washer tank was
>pressurized from the spare tire. It works great on boat trailer brakes too!
>Frank Santoro
>1990 V8
I have just completed my umptenth brake bleed.  I haven't been able to get
my wife (or friends/enemies for that matter) to help me bleed the brakes on
any of our cars since the '85 VW GTI.

Bleeding the brakes by pumping and running to check MC fluid level and
bubbles in the clear tube isn't too bad.  It just is much more effort than
having a helper or a pressurized system.

I can't afford an air compressor right now (I want a big oil lubricated
compressor), but that would be a good reason to buy one. ;)