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RE: Pilot Bearing

Does it act as some sort of  personal heater?   ;^)   ( tee hee, tee
hee.  sorry I just couldn't let that one go)
chris perry

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	R. Cummings [SMTP:cumm@flash.net]
>Sent:	Tuesday, February 24, 1998 8:31 AM
>To:	k1drbar@worldnet.att.net
>Cc:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	Pilot Bearing
>Have you tried a Dremel tool with a small grinder bit to cut the outer race
>of the pilot bearing? This versatile tool has saved me a lot of time with
>frozen nuts, etc.
>Bob Cummings 87 Coupe GT