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5k gas smell

Ref:  Your note of Tue, 24 Feb 1998 10:44:14 -0500 (attached)

Check where the gas lines from tank to firewall fuel filter pass through
the clips on the underbody.  The rubber grommets retain salt and at
125K mine put a pinhole in the line, causing gas smell and loss of pressure
at startup.  This was part of my original cold start problem.  There are
two lines, supply and return.  For most of the path under the body, they
run parallel.  The clips are stainless, the rubber is durable, but the
lines are painted steel.  If anybody does a full replacement, post PN's
source and cost please.  I patched mine for now with compression unions
and a short piece of steel brake line.

----------------------------- Note follows ------------------------------
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 10:44:14 -0500
From: harrison <hsapir@multiverse.com>
Subject: Re: 5k gas smell

I had this smell in my 5000tq, it was the fuel tank rusting at the top.


Max wrote:

> Reading a post about a gas smell in a 90 reminds me that on one of my
> 5kcst's I often get a strong gas small after leting it out a bit.  I am
> assuming that I have a fuel line leak somewhere under the hood, but I
> have not been able to find it.  Any ideas?
> Max 2*5kcst