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Re: Torsen II


  Beautiful post my friend. I appreciate all the wonderful knowledge and
the time that you put into sharing your knowledge, but might I present
another side........

  Coming from a guy who has every intention of installing TorSen in both
the center and (god willing) the rear, I think that it is probably a wise
move for the vast majority of us on the list. 

  They way I look at it is: I am going to spend 95% of my time in my car on
the public roads. Now, driving at anything over 7/10th on America's highway
is lunacy at best and murderous at worst.  As you and many other have
mentioned, for "down the road" derivability, it's probably THE way to go.
You just put it in gear and go......sorta no brainer driving at it's

  Then I go on to tell myself, "well, exactly how much time am I going to
spend on the track AND at the limit" Most of the Qclub events that I have
been to have been (by definition) a "safety seminar". I wouldn't say that I
was driving at 10/10 at any of these events (with the exception of the time
I was chasing that blasted 928 @ 2nd creek!). So, now I gotta think that I
am going to be driving on the street at 1 to 7/10's and the TorSen is not
only NOT going to bite me, but it should (again, in theory) help me and
make my driving life easier and more pleasurable AND when I am at the
track, I might be at 10/10's one or two times a weekend. Then you have to
add that, when I am actually at that 10/10th's limit, I will be at a place
like Stapleton or 2nd creek where having the TorSen "bite" me will only be
a learning experience and nothing more. 

  From this chair, it looks to me like TorSen is the way to go. If I wanted
a car that I can/would drive at 10/10's in any situation, I would NOT buy a

Just my two cents.

Laters, Ben
Thornton, CO
83' UrQ PT2B 
87' 4KCSQ
89' 200Q