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Re: Re : Headlights

     I just mounted a set of relays in my '83 urQ, preparing to put in 
     Hella H4 conversions.   As soon as they were installed I noticed a 
     very significant improvement, especially on high beam.
     I used 4 relays for the headlights, and added another for possible aux 
     lights and a 6th for the radiator fan high speed.  All are fed from 4 
     10ga leads from the alternator.  I used 6 inches of 14ga fusible wire 
     at the alternator end as insurance, and separate fuses for each relay 
     at the relay end.  
     I've heard lots of ways to mount and wire these.  I mounted the relays 
     to an aluminum L under the cardboard cover over the rad.  I ran the 
     wires from the alternator back across the front of the oil pan, behind 
     the compressor, in front of the rad to the relays.  I figure this path 
     is unlikely to get crunched ( and therefore shorted) even in a bad 
     accident, and it avoids any really hot areas.  I ran all wires in 
     un-shrunk heat-shrink tubing for added protection.  All headlight 
     leads are readily accessible under the driver's-side headlight.  Just 
     cut into the wiring sleeve and follow the color codes.
     I sized the installation for the highest-power bulbs available.  I've 
     since installed the Hella conversions and am trying them out stock.  
     Even with the standard bulbs, I find them a great improvement.
     If you'd like any more detail, let me know.

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Subject: Re : Headlights
Author:  "Dale Wheeler" <Dale.Wheeler@vacgen.com> at internet-mail
Date:    2/25/98 1:05 PM

A different way of geting better lights (although iv'e yet to actually try it) 
is to create a lower resistance path from he battery to the bulb(s), i.e. 
without travelling half way around the car in the (thin) wiring harness first. 
Having just changed to the pre'82 split lights for my UrQ (the others got 
smashed) i need brighter lights;I propose trying this with a few relays 
mouunted near the lights switching power direct from the battery (using the 
existing wiring to do the switching)
On the other hand it not improve much, anyone else tried this ? 
Dale Wheeler  ('84 UrQ)
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Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 13:05:07 +0000
Subject: Re : Headlights
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