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Boge Warranty (was Re: Koni returns)

At 04:09 PM 2/25/98 -0800, Martin Pajak spake these words:

>I was talking about the same kind of car just different VIN.
>Like I transfered the Eibach/Boge struts from my '84 to my '86 4kq.
>Does that mean I lost the warranty?

Boge's warranty and service are superb...speaking from experience with
their lifetime warranty on TurboGas and ProGas.
In fact one might think they are almost irresponsible.

I know a moron (no names mentioned) who used a pipe wrench to hold the
shaft on a Boge while tightening the top nut.  A year later the fluid had
leaked out.  
Procedure...Call Boge, tell them a TurboGas strut is leaking, they say FAX
a copy of the receipt.
So...FAX a copy of the receipt to Boge, request two new ones so the pair on
that axle will be matched, two days later a box of new struts is sitting on
the doorstep an no cost.  Boge apparently believes it is not worth the
bother of asking for return of the old strut, etc.  They simply take your
word for it.  I suspect they might not transfer the warranty when the
vehicle is sold, but didn't ask. 
To top it off, a week later someone from Boge called to confirm that I had
received the new struts.

I don't take this kind of service/support for granted and do not think that
just because BOGE does this that every company should.  In fact, I can well
imagine if they got very many claims like this, especially where it is not
the fault of the product, they would start doing what Koni does. 

David Conner  Columbus, OH 
'87 5KS, 117 k mi w/ Boge TG  
'89 100E with rare (in the U.S.) manually cranked sunroof, and Boge TG
'86 4KCSQ w/Koni & FlowMaster