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From Audi In Ingolstadt

Some of you may be interested in this message my cousin, who along 
with his brother and father (my uncle) works at Audi in Ingolstadt, 
Germany, sent me. My uncle is some sort of head honcho, but I'm not 
sure of his title. If any of you have questions about future Audi 
models or plans, let me know and I'll pass them along.

If you try to send me a message, keep in mind I'm not subscribed to 
the Quattro list.


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:11:08 +0100
From:          "Rolf Hoernle" <rolf.hoernle@audi.de>
Reply-to:      rolf.hoernle@audi.de
Organization:  AUDI AG, N/PG-51
To:            stefanopolus <stefan@air.on.ca>
Subject:       Germany calling......

Hi Cuz,

About the A8, I gave your letter to our chairman and he said : A guy 
who is a.)only half-german, b.)driving a Toyota, c.) living in 
Canada, d.) contacting drug-addicted musicians, e.) having fun 
knowing these drug-addicted musicians; is not certainly the customer 
target group we're aiming at - but : we could live with that. What we 
can't live with, is, knowing that he's related to you Mr. Hoernle. 
Sorry for him. Bye. Go away.

Sorry Cuz. I really tried. ROFTL ( rolling on the floor laughing )

On the other side, what for do you need a car anyway ? I always thought
the most common vehicle in Canada is a eight - dog powered sled and 
for rich sophisticated people a snowmobile. And by the way, forget 
the A8, what you a guy like you needs is a AUDI TT  ( I hope you can 
load the bmp's I attached) This is a sporty coupe which you can order 
in late '98. With a some good will and some overtime you should be 
able to gather the 50 000.- to 60 000.- Deutsche Mark together. They 
will also release a convertible called roadster in '99. This is a 
real lady - killer.

hearing from you soon