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RE: torsens & 'torque split'

>Ok, I am on a motorcycle on glare ice, I pop the clutch and give half
>throttle and the rear wheel spins. I am going no where, just sitting
>there with my spinning rear wheel. I have no motion, but am sitting
>above a wheel spinning at a constant velocity. If there is no torque at
>my wheel, where is that torque the engine is producing going? And why is
>my wheel spinning at a constant speed?  

Assuming a frictionless world, as I did in my scenario, and that the wheel is at a
constant speed, the engine is producing no torque, no power and no work is being 
performed (no mass is moved or accelerated).

>In the angular world, torque is defined as the time rate of change of
>angular momentum. When a wheel is rotating at a constant speed, it's
>angular momentum is constant, i.e. the engine torque appiled to the
>wheel is equal to the opposing frictional forces associated with the
>drivetrain and a spinning tire. So a torque is being applied to that
>rear wheel, that is what is making it spin. If I let off the throttle,
>no engine torque is applied to the wheel and the wheel slows down.
>Because frictional forces are creating a  torque in the opposite
>direction of engine torque and slowing the wheel down.

Exactly. Agreed.

- glen
