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Re: dash bulbs P/N clarification?

 "Creel, Kenneth E" wrote:
I recently mail-ordered some replacement bulbs and received what I
to be the wrong ones. 
I received:
P/N 893 919 040 A 	  small green base, 2W, not what I need
P/N 893 919 040 C  	  small black base, 1.2W, *red bulb
$7.50!!!) again, not what I need, but where does this bulb go go?
The trip computer on my wife's 88 90q uses both a red and a yellow bulb
for different levels of alarm.
The 20V site lists:
P/N 893 919 040	 Black base bulb, 1.2 W   --  Alternative source: OSRAM

Is this definitely the bulb I need?  What about the orange base bulb
I've heard of, but never seen?

Should work; looks like a familiar number.  The orange base and brown
base bulbs are just slightly different wattages.  Availablility seems to
depend on what's in stock.

         ....  Kirby  (kirby.a.smith@lmco.com)
                   New Hampshire, USA
                      2 X 1988 90q