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Torsen Split

I would imagine by playing around with differential tooth profiles on the side gears in the torsen mechanism you would obtain some strange variations in unequal torque output - At least I can see some differences in a crude free-body diagram I was playing with.

I don't get it though - IMHO it is usually the mastery over the machine and a driver balancing and capitalizing on vehicle qualities over vehicle (environmental) deficiencies that determines the winner.  I imagine Audi has played with every option in coming up with a competitive BTCC car. 

In another light - I can't seem to locate a VIN number decode - WAUEA88D5TAO68928 - need to order a new Manual for the girlfriend - I want to get this right this is going very well.

Who of the Portland/Seattle crowd had the 89 or 90 Red 200Q at Mt Bachelor this weekend - just curious.

