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TORSEN II - extreme / normal use

From: Randall Markarian <asenna@accessus.net>
>Bingo!  I think that is the really relavant issue here.  95+% of the
time it
>is your friend.  Always interesting to consider the extremes, but you
>keep an eye on the center of that bell curve.

As I see it, its not so much a case of how you drive the car under
normal conditions, but more what happens if you're unfortunate enough to
find yourself in ABnormal conditions.
If you are at 10/10ths (either by design,
_or_by_unforseen_cirumstances_) its EXACTLY at this time that you need
the vehicle to behave in a PREDICTABLE manner.
I'm very concerned by the comments I've read about Torsens "biting back"
in a big and unpredictable way, because they sap my confidence in my
ability to cope with a bad situation.

Andrew Jackson (UK). 90q20v

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