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RE: tranny plug(ged) yep, still (and "big news")

   I had similar problems on one of my q's.  I was almost
ready to resort to drilling the bugger out...  Instead I found
a SnapOn truck and bought a 17mm hex plug socket.  Fits
your 3/8" ratchet, doesn't extend out very far, allows for good,
direct transfer of gobs of torque...  Mine came out, and went
straight to the trash.  You might want to go this route first.

The tool only costs ~$10.  Definitely worth it.  Try any of the
following numbers if you need to locate a local truck...

Snap-On Regional Help Centers...
Hampton, NH	(800) 326-7627
San Diego, CA	(800) 766-4455
Sacramento, CA (800) 865-1199
New England RHC (508) 634-3535

You can also try George Pennington @ (818) 352-2933
or page him at (818) 953-0983.  He used to give a 15%
Quattro list discount...


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ken [SMTP:kkeith@qnet.com]
> Sent:	Monday, March 02, 1998 11:11 PM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	tranny plug(ged) yep, still (and "big news")
> Well, I got home from work and checked my little 
> JB Weld job.  It was still in there, so I put on 
> my work clothes and gave it a try.
> The allen key "fell" right out like I had stuck 
> it in there with dry PlayDough.  What a 
> disappointment.  I hope I did it wrong, as I will 
> try again, this time without moving it around while 
> it sets.  Did I not use enough hardener?  Too much?
> (I used 50/50, like it said)  Is this stuff a sham?
> I was able to chip off fairly easily the remainder 
> of the JB material off the allen key.  Is it supposed 
> to be so fragile?  I can't believe people repair 
> their engine blocks and stuff with this junk if so.
> Has anyone else had experience with JB Weld?
> And if it fails, what other extraction methods 
> will I have to turn to?  If I drill it out, what 
> will I have to do to ensure the fragments don't 
> muck up the internals?  Am I looking at dropping 
> the darn tranny just to get the plug out?  Do I 
> need to disassemble it?
> I like working on my cars, it's like a big puzzle, 
> but at least with a puzzle there's a picture so 
> you know what to do and what goes where.
> BTW, I ordered my FI seals today.  Also got a 
> FI puller, and a set of strut bearings.
> And the "big news":  It looks like I will in 
> fact be moving to Mesa, AZ.  Any of you AZ 
> listers out there, please email me and help me 
> find out where in the heck to live!  Hopefully, 
> I'll be able to plan a couple of trips out there 
> before the final one.
> Any generic advice for a "corporate relocation"?
> I've never done it before, and frankly it's a 
> bit intimidating.  All by myself and all...
> (girlfriend is staying, for now :-( , no kids, 
> no pets.  Just 3 freakin' cars, one that doesn't 
> run!)
> Later,
> Ken