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Re: 90 durability (Was: Audi crash: split into 3 sections?)


I own an 88 90q which i toss around rom time to time.  In October alst 
year I had a big accident where i lost contol on a dirt road and jumped 
off the road landing on a boulder.  There wasn't a scratch to the body 
but my undercarriage was hit pretty hard.  I think I went from about 45 
to 0 in half a second.  I was amazed at how well the car held up.  I had 
a good size gauge into the rear-driver floorboard.  Besides the exhaust 
and front subframe being mangled i was able to drive off, after getting 
it off of the boulder.  There was no structural damage and the car rides 
better after the repairs were done.  I think that phil payne is right 
about those cras w/ a welded on rear end.  Audis, and German cars in 
general, are quite strong and can take a good beating.  I have some pics 
of the damage that i may put on the web if anyone is interested?  You 
really shouldn't have to worry about your car like that.  

Mike Robinson
Santa Clara, CA
1988 Audi 90 Quattro
148,000+ miles