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RE: RE: Audi magazines

CC: quattro@coimbra.ans.net

Volkswagen / Audi car  is through AutoMetrix Publications overseas rates   
are available on request at on 0891 616699

Volkswagen / Audi car
Market Chambers High Street
Toddington, Dunstable, Beds
From:  Winslow Douglas
Sent:  Wednesday, March 04, 1998 2:45 PM
To:  hglesner
Cc:  'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
Subject:  RE:  RE:  Audi magazines

Sorry about that screw up! The only other mag I could think of is   
AUTOTUNING but it is in german Tel: (0911) 94699-0 fax:(09 11) 94699-40

From:  hglesner[SMTP:hglesner@ast.lmco.com]
Sent:  Wednesday, March 04, 1998 2:26 PM
To:  wdouglas@gordoncapital.com
Subject:   RE:  Audi magazines

  Actually the US based magazine known as "European Car" was "VW &   
been a constant subscriber to it since the mid-80's.
  I'm looking for more Audi content.
