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Found while surfing: S1 for sale

In message <"980306164029Z.WT25792.  1*/PN=William.Elliott/O=LNGW/PRMD=MEI/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/"@MHS> William Elliott writes:

> <<1986 Audi Sport Quattro - S1 
> Asking Price: 100,000 USD, Mileage: 30,000 KMS, Color: Green, Info: 306 BHP, 
> only 160
> road versions in the world. Group B category. Full service history thru Audi 
> workshops.
> Call: +971 4 389009, Email: nailesh@emirates.net.ae>>

If it's one of the '160' (or substitute your own number) it is _NOT_ an S1.
The Sport has 306bhp, for instance - the S1 has 598.  The Sport is awe-inspring 
- the S1 is just plain terrifying. 

A number of Sports have come out of the Middle East recently.  The usual rate 
is around GBP40000 - $65000.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club