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RE: Rear diff

Ask Dave Lawson about this.  He just did this to his '90 200qw.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Smith, Kirby A [SMTP:kirby.a.smith@lmco.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, March 10, 1998 11:48 AM
> To:	'Quattrolist'
> Subject:	Re:  Rear diff
>  Mike Stump <tree@triton.net> postulated:
> >After driving through 1-2 feet of slush/snow on top of ice today, I
> >realized that I liked the handling of my Q better with the rear diff
> >locked than with it open.  Unfortunately, I have an '89 80q so the
> diff
> >unlocks at 15 mph.  Has ayone modifyed their car so that the rear
> diff
> >stays locked?  Any disadvantage to doing this?  And the big question,
> >how could this be done?
> From the Bentley schematics, it would _appear_ that disconnecting the
> speedometer signal to the diff lock controller under the rear seat
> would
> work.  I have been planning to investigate this as soon as I get a dc
> to
> ac converter so I can run an oscilloscope in the car.  One may be able
> to wire this so the cut-out speed is variable.  However, I want to
> know
> whether the speedometer signal wants some impedance at this point, as
> well as whether the lock controller does also.  Ideally, a
> modification
> of this sort would include a way of defaulting to a safe (for the
> diff)
> mode.
>          ....  Kirby  (kirby.a.smith@lmco.com)
>                    New Hampshire, USA
>                       2 X 1988 90q