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Re: Re: NA I-5 performance suggestions
ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com (Fluhr) commented re:
>>> I'll bet someone on this list has a plan they
>>>could share for a full throttle enrichment device.
>>Funny you should mention this, but I'm planning to fool around with
>> myself after reading about Techtonics Tuning kit for the Scirocco.
>> theory its very simple. Temp sensor is wired in series with another
>> resistor which is shorted by the NC contacts of a relay. When you
hit WOT,
>> the relay cuts in opening the contacts and putting the "enrichment"
>> resistor in the circuit. ECU gets fooled into thinking the
temperature is
>> colder and compensates by bumping up the current to the differential
>> pressure regulator. The fun comes in determining the value of the
>> enrichment resistor so you don't go overboard and go past 12:1 F/A
>Doesn't the Wide Open Throttle (a.k.a. full throttle) switch achieve
>function on CIS-E cars?
>I recall reading somewhere that when the ECU sees the WOT switch close,
>goes open-loop and bumps the pressure actuator current by ~3mA,
>enriching the fuel mixture (slightly).
>I assumed that the CIS-E "chip" mods offered by TAP, etc. just
>the actuator current increase on WOT to a higher value. This gets you
>to 12.6:1 without much danger of going over-rich.
On my 1988 90q, at modest driveway rpm, closing the WOT by hand has no
effect on the pressure actuator current. I have heard that on this
model, the WOT only disables the air conditioner compressor. I believe
the 1988 90q uses the NG engine with CIS-E.
.... Kirby (kirby.a.smith@lmco.com)
New Hampshire, USA
2 X 1988 90q