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Re: Thinking about buying '90 Coupe Quattro
Check the 20v page @ http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/3229/
20v's should last upto 200k miles, with proper care. As with ANY car,
things will start to break frequently starting at about 150k miles.
P.S. Funny, similar domain & first name...
At 11:42 AM -0600 3/12/98, cwhanlon@eai.com wrote:
>Hi all, I'm thinking about buying an Audi Quattro. Today I'm
>going to take a look at an 1990 Coupe Quattro w/ 96,000 miles.
>Are there certain things I should look for that often go wrong?
>The car is due for a timing belt change.
>I'm also worried about the mileage. How many miles do the
>20 valve engines usually last (I know, not an exact question,
>but I don't expect an exact answer :)
>Also what is the engine size and horsepower for this particular
>car. (and any other specs such as weight)