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>Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 08:16:57 GMT
>From: Phil@isham-research.demon.co.uk (Phil Payne)
>Subject: Torsen Torture, pt. II...
>In message <199803120004.TAA11765@camel8.mindspring.com>
>audidudi@mindspring.com (Jeffrey J. Goggin) writes:
>> >I hold the opposite view.  Until I can recreate the problem to my own
>> >satisfaction, it doesn't exist.
>> Definitely an interesting point of view coming from a man with a technology
>> background ... unless you have an idea of what you're looking for, how do
>> you know that it doesn't exist?  This is one of the reasons why Monty Python
>> never found the holy grail ... or did they?  I forget ... time to go feed
>> the dead parrot.  :^)
>Ah, but I know what I'm looking for, just like the guys trying to
>recreate cold fusion knew what they were looking for.  Until I find it
>(same goes for cold fusion) it doesn't exist.


Cold fusion?

I propose a closer analogy: Some qlisters assert that a place called "North
Dakota" actually exists. They even provide directions: it's far to the
north, actually towards the northwest--in fact, it's right on the northern
border, blah, blah. However, you have searched the whole of England (and
almost all of Scotland), but try as you might, you've never found even a
trace of the alleged ND. Therefore, you conclude: _it doesn't exist!_

Phil, don't be so quick to write off this thread as merely a smokescreen
behind which certain participants are trying to hide some inept driving.
While I admit to my share of ineptitude, I'm not an advocate of anything
other than merely trying to keep an open mind to a discussion which
will--in the long run--help me to better understand what makes them wheels
go 'round (and keep them in the desired direction).

Consider that for the described Torsen anomaly (bite) to occur, a large
number of variables will need _simultaneously_ to be at critical values:
road surface cf values, tire type/condition, suspension characteristics
(f/r), chassis moments, vehicle speed, engine RPM, and so on.  So, it may
be no great wonder that the overwhelming majority have never encountered
"it". And you, notwithstanding a lot of time behind the wheel of your urq
under many conditions, can only claim to have covered a small fraction of
the "torque-traction-momentum" continuum. If you've explored enough to
convince yourself that it needn't be a concern for _you_, fair enough.

Sorry to be over-reaching with my analogy...but it's also quite likely that
you needn't fear wandering into the Badlands of North Dakota, either. ;-)

Phil Rose

         *  Phil & Judy Rose     E-mail:              *
         *                       pjrose@servtech.com  *