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Re: Cap'n, #5 is down, 'n I can't hold 'er any longer!

Not knowing anything about the 5 cylinders, I'll take a risk...

Perhaps the last cylinder is run the leanest for some reason (intake runners
wrong (allowing for too much air to the 5 cylinder), fuel pressure too low in
that area, etc...).  Causing detonation and subsequent gasket failure. (despite
those dang knock sensors).  This can happen with turbo charged cars, in
particular ones running higher than normal boost.

Or due to the aluminum head fitted to a cast iron block, causing non-homogenous
rate of expansion conditions...which would be a result of inadequate cooling
(air in the coolant system?).

chris (waiting for majordomo to unsubscribe me, until I actually get an

On Mar 12, 10:24pm, Graydon D. Stuckey wrote:
> Subject: Cap'n, #5 is down, 'n I can't hold 'er any longer!
> On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Phil Payne wrote:
> > > Mine blew just behind cyl #5.
> >
> > Has anyone ever had one blow _anywhere_ else?
> Having had limited exposure to _piston_ engines until recently, I have
> only once before blown a head gasket.   Is the Audi I-5 actually
> notorious for blowing at #5?
> Is the cooling inadequate back there?
> Later,--------------------------- -   -   -   -
> Graydon D. Stuckey		 / \ / \ / \ / \
> graydon@apollo.kettering.edu	|Mr. Muffler... |
> 810 733 0255			 \ / \ / \ / \ /
> --------------------------------- -   -   -   -
>-- End of excerpt from Graydon D. Stuckey
